Friday, September 28, 2007

Partial Pod 9/28/07

The NewsJog Weekly panel assembled on 9/28/07 and recorded a rousing Podcast #2 that was almost completely lost when the main file was found to be corrupted just after the microphones were turned off.

The crew will get back together tomorrow to re-record Podcast #2 and that full show will be posted by Sunday evening. The 14 or so minutes represented here came at the end of the ill-fated recording session and because it was stored in a second file was salvageable.

We offer it up for your entertainment until we can get the real deal back in the can and uploaded.

Eric Von Haessler, Jimmy Baron, and Leonard Sharing were joined this week by their old buddy Tim Andrews. We pick up the conversation after the hard news has been dealt with and the talk has turned to pop culture.

Click Here to Enjoy the Partial Pod

This weekly podcast can be found on iTunes- Just do a search for News Jog Weekly and subscribe.